Sunday, June 28, 2015

​"The opposition is obvious and nothing will ever be enough unless we sacrifice everything. Everything."​

(He's got sand on his face cause they were playing frisbee along the shore)

Last Monday's Zone Activity :)
It was only us Elder Basco Harris and Pandi.
(Click image to enlarge)


Elder Hennessey and Elder Gang arrived.


Tuesday: Zone Training. Blaaah boring. Welp, Jonathan worked with us.
All our planned appointments were there :D wohho it was my first time to check everything in my planner.
Then the 3 of us had dinner at a carenderia.

Wednesday: Bad Day. President was having a bad day because of Pasaway Missionaries and everyone is affected.
President talked to me and he was like a dad scolding a son. This was during the evening. Jonathan apologized for him.
It was heavy and I just turned into my emotionless insensitive mode to ignore it. I understand President but the rest of the mission does not.
Thats what I think. Oh well.

Thursday: FLOOD IN THE OFFICE. So after our first appointment we went back to the office because Elder Cabase arrived there from manila.
He had his wrist checked. Operation this week I think. I reimbursed his expenses and then when I went inside the office boom water! Water everywhere!
We had this in the morning and I had to clean it up with Hennessey. It wasnt that flooded. Some missionaries dont know how to properly flush the toilet and it got flooded. And then it happened again. The cr was flooded and the water reached the lobby. We spend the whole afternoon mopping and taking the water out cleaning the office. Pandi and Me.

Friday: Soaked! We bought dinner for later evening because we still dont have LPG :P
We went home after buying food because I was so wet from my shoulders down now. A car passed by and swooooosh water was all over me.
( I kinda wanted that to happen xD ) I bought balut on the way home.

Saturday: Early morning we went to Luna to clear out an apartment.
When we got back there was no electricity. I worked out for an hour.
Then slept in the living room. Then worked :)

The Relief Society worked with us. They fellow shipped our investigators and we had a great time.
Their testimonies as mothers and converts were really helpful. Even if it was raining there was no complain.
The RS is more powerful than the Priesthood :D hahha
Dinner at President Solomon's home. Her wife was one of the RS that worked with us.

Look at these FAAANGS! :D

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